Friday, 30 October 2015



How about we do things a little differently.....

What are YOUR concerns?

What do YOU think we need to do to ride out the storm in an easier way?

And also what are YOUR concerns on the other side of the storm?

What I would like to do is have more feedback from readers - don't be shy, we're all in this together.

If you have any particular concerns, then feel free to say so..... because in that way we can all help each other.

I open the floor to YOU......

Help me to help others.

Thank you,

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Michael's Alternative Dwellings offshoot is starting !! See it here.....

There is also a link straight to it on the top left of Michael's Alternatives - just click and go....

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Splitting the focus.....

For over 30 years I have been interested in Alternatives, be it an Alt. Economy, Alt. Building or Alt. Societies.

Therefore this blog will shortly be split into separate areas. So far the focus has been primarily on alerting people to what is coming, but as I’ve mentioned before, the time is now here to see beyond that, and work on self-help options to get through the transition stage with as much grace & ease as possible.

The more I see – the more I realize that we need a wholistic approach….. one that encompasses all things.

For example, building an energy-efficient home is not only more rewarding – but also more sustainable. So it is a small piece of helping the planet, rather than the current disregard for our stewardship of this beautiful, but finite place we all live in. It is no longer necessary to impose our will on the landscape, but rather to work WITH Nature to benefit us all.

Let’s get rid of the notion once and for all that we can have constant economic growth on a “spaceship” of finite resources.

So, I’ll start with a sub-blog about Alt. Building. Might even be more appropriate to call it Alt. Dwelling, because there are some exciting new areas that don’t actually involve “building” – such as the new generation of container homes. Or the movement to Tiny Homes.

Things are changing fast out there!!

The sooner the better!! 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Thoughts on a "next level" Barter System.

Some time ago LETS (Local Energy Trading System) became quite popular. So popular, that Centrelink and the Tax Office even had to make some rulings as to what was classed as income from one's involvement in such a group. (It was decided that if you offered your hobby or leisure time it wasn't taxable - but if you offered your normal work, it was).

However, most systems started to struggle, and the reasons were much the same.

* It required too much energy input from a dedicated core group of people
* Each system became an exclusive "club"
* Being usually run by committees, prompt and minimalist action grew into problems (often of ego).
* Also, to put it simply - Life often got in the way.
* As the pace of human activity increased, people had less time and motivation to stay involved. Even though the value of their work in AU$ was slowly eroding, they had less time to do anything else about it.

I believe that the LETS concept is still very valid. The central theme of not being able to "export" your wealth from your local area (as your "currency" isn't valid elsewhere) is critically important. It keeps people gainfully employed locally when Federal Dollars can't. It allows users to access necessities when the Federal system doesn't or can't assist.

However, to become a viable alternative in an electronic economy, it needs to be taken to the next level.

From my perspective, the following therefore needs to happen:

* A LETS system is no longer a small club. ALL the local population is automatically a member - whether they trade or not. In this way EVERYONE has access and can contribute to trading activity.

* It would be ideal if the Local Councils can be encouraged to administer the system (after all, they have a vested interest in it doing well, once they change their current mindsets! This will happen when they run out of Federal dollars as they will no longer be readily available. Austerity is wonderful in changing minds!).
The Council also needs a labour force, has equipment, has infrastructure, land, premises, halls etc etc.

* To stop the tyranny that hoarding eventually fosters, it would be beneficial if the currency became a depreciating currency - that is, it is worth x% less each month. What then happens is that the velocity of currency in the system increases, and many more opportunities are created. Idle or hoarded "money" is useless in terms of the wider economy.

To see how well this worked, have a look at the Austrian town of Worgl in the 1930's ...
In fact, Worgl Council found that residents were paying their rates in advance!!

* Eventually all systems in a country could unite and be better served by being online, similar to say eBay (without the auction component). One would now have the whole country as One's local system, and you would look at services and offerings available anytime. Recording trading activity is also done automatically.

Naturally the major benefits of this is far wider choice, ability to source items and produce not available locally, ease of activity using the Internet and therefore a far more streamlined, user-friendly experience.

So how about we get together and create some magic, eh??

Thursday, 15 October 2015

What would a new economic system look like??

A headline yesterday that says it all…..Global inequality is growing, with half the world’s wealth in the hands of just 1% of the world’s population, according to a new report (Guardian)

Once we have the BIG crash happening, and we have yet again lost our faith in a fiat currency,....what then?

In fact, do we even still need to use money?

To take a leaf from the TV show Star Trek – The Next Generation….. in their future world they no longer use or need money, as no medium of exchange is required.

Rather, everyone does what they love to do – whatever their passion is. If you want to grow food for people – fine! If you want to study – fine.
And if we are doing what moves us, then no-one gets bored!

Perhaps I could propose something here. There is one thing that we all have, we simply don’t know how much!


In other words, an hour of my life is equally as precious as an hour of yours. Whether, you are a brain surgeon, labourer or computer specialist – an hour of each of our lives carries the same value.

No inflation, no asset bubbles, no hoarding, no fuss.

No investors, shareholders or financial consultants.

And more importantly – no bankers.

A level playing field.


Any thoughts on how we can make that work – and work well??

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Urban Positive Solutions.....

If you are living in the thick of it in an urban area when the fan gets hit, there are still a number of simple things that can be done to enhance your quality of Life.

Start growing food NOW !!!

On a balcony, up a wall, on a roof, in your matter how small. It needn't take a huge amount of space. Climbing trellises save space. Ladder-style shelves against a fence have a small footprint. Grow vertically rather than in the traditional ways - get creative!!

More importantly, get to know your neighbours NOW !!!

Something I call "Meet the Street" would be a great self-help strategy. Start by firstly socialising and having FUN, as in street parties, street fairs, community venues, combined garage sales and community gardens in vacant land etc etc.

Then take it a step further after you are more used to each other - start a barter-type arrangement, as in a LETS system. Use a fictitious currency that has no value except among members, therefore your wealth and resources can't be "exported" out of your local precinct.

As trading grows, so too do friendships, and a sense of community follows.
This then has other benefits, with shared resources, enhanced security as people start looking out for their neighbours, and more employment for all.

I have experienced this, having established such a LETS system. In fact, it worked too well !! Members became so friendly that trades were no longer recorded, and sharing became a way of life. :)))

When one street makes it work, then those that look over the fence will also adopt it - until before long there is a wider community all gainfully involved, and making positive moves to improve the lot of all involved.

Unfortunately, we often do not implement such strategies until change is forced upon us. While it is never too late - certainly sooner is far better than later.

How about making it sooner??

Monday, 12 October 2015

Real Tax Reform - Fabulously simple - and fair!!!

Real Tax Reform

By Michelle Lopert 

It’s the 21st Century and we’re still paying Income Tax. This archaic system was devised back in the Industrial Revolution. Today, with the advent of computers, there are simpler, better, and more equitable ways to collect taxes.

Most governments are continually looking for new sources of tax revenue that are not politically suicidal. Obviously, the money raised through income tax isn’t enough so we now have GST, payroll tax, property rates, fuel excise, stamp duty, capital gains tax, land tax, company tax and more. Ironically, the wealthier you are, or the bigger your corporation, the more chance you have of avoiding tax through tax havens, Swiss bank accounts and creative accountancy.

A viable alternative to all these ridiculous complex taxes is to replace them with one tax - the DEBIT TAX. The National Debit Tax is the most efficient system of taxation ever devised. And it’s not new. The Debit Tax has been working successfully in Norfolk Island where there is no income tax.

Here’s how it works. Every hour of the day, money is withdrawn from savings accounts, cheque accounts, insurance companies, business and investment organisations, and financial institutions of all kinds.

Whenever a person, financial institution, or company withdraws money by cash, cheque or electronically, a 1% tax is automatically debited. That 1% is then electronically transferred to the Australian Federal Treasury.

The tax is collected electronically and continuously – not quarterly or annually – and without paperwork of any kind. You don’t have to do a thing.

Let’s say you have an annual salary of $30,000. With today’s cumbersome system, if you add up all the taxes including income tax, GST, house rates, fuel excise and other hidden taxes, you’ll be paying about $15,000 tax. Under the debit tax system, you would only pay $300.

On a national level, a 1% debit tax would provide Australia with a tax revenue of approx $470 billion annually. The current system only provides approx $215 billion.

It’s hard to believe that a tiny 1% national debit tax could replace all other taxes at the Federal, State and Local Government levels.

Unlike all other taxation systems, the National Debit Tax does not require you or any business or organization to give an account of transactions to the Government. Big brother will not be watching because it’s not necessary.

Tax collection becomes the function of a programmed computer linked to the banking system under the control of the Treasury Department.

Individuals, businesses, and corporations will no longer be required to be self tax collectors as they are today. This eliminates potential sources of injustice, corruption and tax evasion. Why would a company bother hiding money in tax havens that charge 2 or 3% when the Debit Tax is only 1%?

Imagine, we could eliminate the bureaucratic nightmare known as the Taxation Department, emancipating the thousands of glassy-eyed administrative slaves who sweat over mountains of income tax forms, deciphering a million petty laws.

The debit tax would erode the cash economy. With Big Brother not watching, who is going to risk keeping millions under the mattress in order to avoid a piddling amount of tax?

Likewise, the debit tax would see the demise of destabilising currency speculation. The debit tax would eat away the profits of speculators who move massive amounts of money around the globe in a bid to cash in on small currency fluctuations.

What company would complain about a 1% debit tax when it means not having to pay 3.75 % payroll tax?

After the Global Financial Crisis, leaders of Europe's three biggest economies, Germany, France and Britain, were promoting the Debit Tax as a way to fulfil commitments to domestic budgets, climate change and international development. Regrettably, our federal Treasurer, Wayne Swan, did not support the tax at the G20 finance meeting in 2009 possibly because Australia came through the global financial crisis relatively unscathed. But how will we fare in future crises?

They say the only certain things in life are Death and Taxes. The tedious Tax Pack booklet may be a great cure for insomnia but let’s make it a relic. Let’s push for proper tax reform and stop fiddling at the edges while Australia burns...or, should I say, floods.

 (Reprinted with permission - Thank you, Michelle!).

Sunday, 11 October 2015

OK.....time to get a bit more real.....

So - despite long absences from this blog while the world is writhing, it is now time for me to be a regular voice.

Because very soon a LOT of people are going to need reassurance that there is hope.....and the promise of a better tomorrow.

However, there will be pain to get through first. It will take some serious readjustments for us all to become more real, sustainable, transparent, helpful, caring......and alive.
By that I mean that we need to awaken from the dream or illusion of lifestyle. And furthermore, to take responsibility for our part in what is going down "out there"., our actions - or more to the point - and inactions, we have given our tacit approval to those who have been playing fast and loose with our futures.

No more.

It is time for the line in the sand. This far - and no further.
If we remain in denial, however, then the road back to sanity will be even longer. So how about we do it with as much grace and ease as possible, eh?? :))

Just in case you are still wavering - remember, that we do not inherit this earth from our parents - we steal it from our children.

I am not going to dwell on the many, many machinations that are going on out there. It is enough to know that we are facing the end of the system. Our responsibility now is..... what kind of world do we want??

Perhaps this little story illustrates the point rather well;

How can one of us be happy if the rest are sad..... says it all??

Isn't it time for ALL of us to be happy?? There is enough in this world to feed, and house everyone - all it requires is Will and motivation. It is a simple problem of distribution.

Here's the deal: I will be more regular with my posts, and offer alternatives as the blogname suggests.

YOU will agree to comment and stand up and be heard if you have something to contribute.
Fair enough??

The world I see on the other side of what's about to happen is wonderful!! I guess I'm actually in a bit of a hurry to get there!! After all, I have been waiting for it for a LONG time.....:))

BE well,