Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Urban Positive Solutions.....

If you are living in the thick of it in an urban area when the fan gets hit, there are still a number of simple things that can be done to enhance your quality of Life.

Start growing food NOW !!!

On a balcony, up a wall, on a roof, in your backyard...no matter how small. It needn't take a huge amount of space. Climbing trellises save space. Ladder-style shelves against a fence have a small footprint. Grow vertically rather than in the traditional ways - get creative!!

More importantly, get to know your neighbours NOW !!!

Something I call "Meet the Street" would be a great self-help strategy. Start by firstly socialising and having FUN, as in street parties, street fairs, community venues, combined garage sales and community gardens in vacant land etc etc.

Then take it a step further after you are more used to each other - start a barter-type arrangement, as in a LETS system. Use a fictitious currency that has no value except among members, therefore your wealth and resources can't be "exported" out of your local precinct.

As trading grows, so too do friendships, and a sense of community follows.
This then has other benefits, with shared resources, enhanced security as people start looking out for their neighbours, and more employment for all.

I have experienced this, having established such a LETS system. In fact, it worked too well !! Members became so friendly that trades were no longer recorded, and sharing became a way of life. :)))

When one street makes it work, then those that look over the fence will also adopt it - until before long there is a wider community all gainfully involved, and making positive moves to improve the lot of all involved.

Unfortunately, we often do not implement such strategies until change is forced upon us. While it is never too late - certainly sooner is far better than later.

How about making it sooner??

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