Monday, 11 September 2017

Why we need psychopaths to govern us.....


Did I just read that right, you say??

Yes....sadly, yes.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and will always seek to fill it - sometimes very creatively!!

So too, if we abdicate our sovereignty and leave a vacuum, there are any number of loonies who will be only too happy to fill the space by telling us what to do. Victims require Persecutors to learn their lessons.

It was once said that people get the government they deserve - truer words never spoken.

When we allow others to make our decisions for us, to do what we are unwilling/unable to do.....then we shouldn't be the least bit surprised at the results.

If our sport, entertainment or the latest gossip on is more important to us - we are allowing the space for others to control us. And the first thing they do when achieving any power - is to consolidate it. At our expense. 

Mark Twain once remarked "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it".

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Get used to it.

The rewards are huge !!