Monday, 28 August 2017
Friday, 25 August 2017
Interesting map.....
After looking at the map, then add the ones that have been brainwashed into the American Way of Life, such as Australia, Canada etc..... and it's one heck of a telling picture globally.
Still think Americans are the Heroes???
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Maybe this article will open a few eyes.....
“The main thing that I learned
about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists believe in a
conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is
that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati,
or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is
far more frightening – Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.” –
Alan Moore
Alan Moore, the renowned graphic novel writer, and author of the dystopian classic V for Vendetta, politically identifies as an anarchist. His view that all political states are an outgrowth of anarchy, with the biggest gang taking control and dictating how things will be run, is manifested in V for Vendetta. As an anarchist, you can understand why he is doubtful of conspiracy theories and an all-powerful entity controlling the world. He believes in a chaotic world competing gangs position themselves to gain power and control.
“We live in a badly developed
anarchist situation in which the biggest gang has taken over and have
declared that it is not an anarchist situation – that it is a capitalist
or a communist situation. But I tend to think that anarchy is the most
natural form of politics for a human being to actually practice.”- Alan Moore
The Guy Fawkes mask from V for Vendetta
has been adopted by anarchist groups around the world, including:
Anonymous, WikiLeaks, and the Occupy protestors. Moore’s positive view
of the Occupy movement was based on his belief ordinary people had the
right to reclaim what had been taken from them by criminal bankers. The
initial impetus for the Occupy protests was the destruction of Main
Street USA by Wall Street sociopaths, who not only escaped prosecution
for their crimes, but were bailed out by the taxpayers they had pillaged
and further enriched as captured politicians enabled them to get even
bigger.Millions were evicted from their homes and lost their jobs. Middle class families have seen their real income continue to stagnate, while bankers, corporate executives, and politicians have reaped billions in bonuses, stock gains, and payoffs, provided by central bankers in their back pocket.
“I can’t think of any reason why as a
population we should be expected to stand by and see a gross reduction
in the living standards of ourselves and our kids, possibly for
generations, when the people who have got us into this have been
rewarded for it – they’ve certainly not been punished in any way because
they’re too big to fail. I think that the Occupy movement is, in one
sense, the public saying that they should be the ones to decide who’s
too big to fail. As an anarchist, I believe that power should be given
to the people whose lives this is actually affecting.” – Alan Moore
For those of us who visited Zuccotti Park during the early stages of
the Occupy Movement, you understood this was a true populist protest
with Ron Paul
libertarians alongside liberal college students, old time hippies,
middle aged men and women put out of work by the massive Wall Street
fraud, and a myriad of citizens supporting varied causes and exercising
their First Amendment rights. They were primarily focused on the true
enemy – sociopathic Wall Street bankers and corrupt captured
politicians. Sadly, the movement was co-opted in short order by Soros
and his minions, just as the Tea Party had been co-opted by neo-cons
earlier. Supposedly liberal mayors in NYC and across the country
eventually unleashed their police state thugs on the protestors and
wiped it out. Was this an example of chaos or conspiracy?There isn’t an easy answer to this question. I have to lean towards Alan Moore’s view of the world. There are certainly conspiratorial schemes plotted by powerful men in smoke filled rooms, but there are other gangs of men conspiring to push their competing agendas. Conspiracy theorists who think there is one massive conspiracy controlling every aspect of the world have an extremely tough case to make. People who believe everything is part of a grand conspiracy are seeking an easy solution to our problems, rather than dealing with the complexity and chaos which is the true nature of our world. V’s speech to London after blowing up the Old Bailey explains who is really to blame for allowing Deep State actors to gain control of our government, creating an Orwellian surveillance state.
Good evening, London. Allow me first
to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate
the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the
tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the
spirit of commemoration – whereby those important events of the past,
usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody
struggle, are celebrated with a nice holiday – I thought we could mark
this November the fifth, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by
taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little
There are, of course, those who do
not want us to speak. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into
telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because
while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will
always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for
those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there
is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there?
Cruelty and injustice…intolerance and
oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and
speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance,
coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this
happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more
responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again,
truth be told…if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a
I know why you did it. I know you
were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War. Terror. Disease. There were a myriad
of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your
common sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic, you turned to
the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler. He promised you order. He promised
you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient
Last night, I sought to end that
silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country
of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago, a great
citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His
hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are
more than words – they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if
the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would
suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if
you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I
seek…then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight, outside
the gates of Parliament. And together, we shall give them a fifth of
November that shall never, ever, be forgot!
We have no one to blame but ourselves for our current state of
affairs. Blaming it on some shadowy group makes us feel somehow
comforted. If an all-powerful entity is controlling the world, then we
can easily convince ourselves anything we do to try and change the
course of history would be fruitless. Therefore, we just bitch on
internet forums. The truth is fear rules the actions of the majority.Those who constitute the Deep State are not conspiring directly by working together to rule the world and control the people. What they are doing is taking advantage of a dumbed down fearful populace by using the chaos, incompetence of institutions, and confusion spread by the propaganda press to institute their agendas. The Deep State consists of shadowy billionaires, mega-corporations, the military industrial complex, surveillance state agencies, crooked bought off politicians and their mass media mouthpieces.
Those with the financial means and access to the power of the media have embraced the Edward Bernays worldview that an invisible government of the rich and powerful is necessary to manipulate the opinions of the masses through propaganda in order for society to function smoothly. Is this truly a conspiracy or just competing gangs of rich and connected men utilizing their wealth to mold the minds of the masses in a way that continues to benefit and enrich them?
These Deep State players don’t meet every other Saturday to conspire and plot ways to pillage and enslave the masses. But they do know each other and silently agree to never rock the boat, whether they are Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, socialists, corporate executives, academics, or journalists. Money, control and power are at stake.
Those currently pulling the wires behind the scenes are conspiratorial in nature. It has become crystal clear since the election of Trump the farce of competing political parties is just a smoke screen used by the Deep State players to maintain their control. Trump’s shocking upset and seeming disregard for bowing down to the status quo has forced politicians of all persuasions to reveal their true masters. Both parties favor bloated government control of healthcare, with a medical industrial complex controlling the show, writing the rules, reaping riches, and buying off politicians. “Free” healthcare buys votes.
The flogging of the false Russian narrative by the corporate media has been used by neo-cons and ultra-libs to force Trump into the military interventionist camp – guaranteeing increased wealth for the military industrial complex. Neither party has any interest in cutting spending. The debt ceiling will be raised. The $4 trillion in annual spending will ratchet ever higher. Both sides are perfectly fine with $1 trillion deficits and $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities, as long as their gravy train keeps being fueled by the Deep State. They will spend your money until it all collapses under the mountains of debt.
Donald Jeffries explains why it is vital to the vested interests they scorn and ridicule anyone who uses factual data to prove conspiratorial intent by the government or its cancerous corporate outgrowths.
“I can remember when believing in
conspiracies wasn’t cool. Now, in the second decade of the twenty-first
century, more people are starting to sense that things may not be as
they appear to be. The truth in Lord Acton’s classic axiom that “Power
corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” becomes more
self-evident every day. Politicians from the only two parties we have to
choose from break promises, are unresponsive to the will of the people,
and opt for war, austerity measures, and state control over and over
again. Gary Allen, author of the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy,
defined things perfectly when he wrote, “It must be remembered that the
first job of any conspiracy, whether it be in politics, crime or within a
business office, is to convince everyone else that no conspiracy
exists.” – Donald Jeffries – Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics
It ultimately comes down to power and control over the key mechanisms
of finance, taxation, legislation and the media. There isn’t one
specific group of conspirators working together to rule the world. Is
George Soros attempting to influence and control what happens in the
U.S. and Europe to benefit his interests? Yes. Are the Koch brothers
attempting to do the same with a different end goal? Yes. Are Pelosi and
Schumer conspiring to push their left wing agenda? Yes. Are McConnell
and Ryan conspiring to implement their establishment vision? Yes.They have competing agendas, but they want the status quo to remain intact. No one within the establishment wants to change anything of substance. The current system benefits their personal interests, while destroying the lives of hard working American citizens. The country is currently run by same party with slightly different rhetoric and policies put forth by the Republican side and Democrat side. Promises are made to voters and then reneged on in short order. Therefore, no significant change ever occurs. Meanwhile, the anger and frustration build among the deplorables.
What Trump has realized quickly is how powerful the vested interests are and how ruthless they will act to retain their power. During the campaign Trump ran on a non-interventionist platform, looking to repair our relationship with Russia, scorning NATO, and lessening our involvement in the Middle East. He know rattles his saber on a daily basis, threatening war with North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Syria and anyone else who doesn’t toe the American Empire line.
He provokes Russia and China on a regular basis. He has sent more troops to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, while expanding spending on the military. Neo-cons and neo-libs don’t think Trump is being aggressive enough in policing the world. They won’t be happy until middle class boys across the land are sacrificed as cannon fodder for our welfare warfare surveillance state.
Trump bloviated about the stock market being in a bubble during the campaign when it was trading at 18,000. He now pronounces the record highs of 22,000 as proof of his brilliant economic leadership. Meanwhile, the economy has grown at less than 2% during his first six months, retailers are going bankrupt and closing stores at a record pace, consumer spending and real wages are barely growing, and consumer debt has reached all-time highs. Best time to buy, according to the Prez.
A critical thinking individual might wonder how a market could be in a bubble at 18,000 but not be in a bubble at 22,000 ten months later. During the campaign Trump accused Obama and his BLS minions of manipulating the data to make horrible jobs numbers appear strong. Now he bellows about the strong jobs market as if we’re now supposed to believe the hysterically absurd 4.3% reported rate when 101 million out of 255 million working age Americans aren’t working. And a vast majority of the jobs are either part-time and/or low paying service jobs with shitty pay and benefits.
Trump is playing the status quo Deep State game in an attempt to fend off a coup currently in progress by lying to the masses. Jobs are plentiful, consumers are confident, the economy is booming, the stock market is always right. Ignore those vacant crumbling malls, your declining disposable income as health care cost increases outpace your salary increases by a factor of five, and your ever increasing credit card balance.
Trump wouldn’t be using the tried and true method of distracting from domestic failure by starting a foreign conflict because he understands how easily manipulated the ignorant American masses can be moved by fear? Rather than draining the swamp, Trump has been forced to swim with the gators. And his own people hired a Deep State alligator hunter named Mueller who will stop at nothing to mount Trump as a trophy or force him to depart the DC swamp for the friendly environs of Manhattan Island.
Trump belittled the troll-like Yellen during the campaign, declaring her low interest policy was geared to help Obama/Clinton. He talked tough about replacing Yellen and increasing rates. He evidently got the talk from the banker cabal and he suddenly loves low interest rates and believes Yellen is doing a bang up job. He has filled his cabinet with vampire squid and other Wall Street scum. He is as beholden to the Fed and their Wall Street puppeteers as his predecessors. Wall Street remains in control, while Main Street will continue to get screwed. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s about powerful special interests capturing the levers of government.
Our government doesn’t in any way resemble its original concept of a republic. It doesn’t even resemble a democracy at this point. Since FDR and specifically since LBJ, we’ve become a welfare/warfare state. Since Bush II we’ve devolved into a corporate fascist surveillance socialist state. Despite rhetoric about free market capitalism, both parties have embraced socialism. The super-rich, bankers, corporate executives, liberals and conservatives came to the realization socialism disguised as capitalism fills their coffers at a much higher rate than true free market capitalism.
They have bought off the poor with unfunded welfare benefits, the old and poor with unfunded “free” healthcare, government union workers with unfunded pension benefits and all with unfunded social security payments. Trillion dollar annual deficits and $200 trillion in unfunded welfare promises, enabled by Federal Reserve easy money policies, does wonders for the bank accounts of Deep State players and their acolytes. Spending money you don’t have is the ultimate confidence game, but the payback will be a bitch.
“Why are the super-rich for
socialism? Don’t they have the most to lose? I take a look at my bank
account and compare it with Nelson Rockefeller’s and it seems funny that
I’m against socialism and he’s out promoting it.” Or is it funny? In
reality, there is a vast difference between what the promoters define as
socialism and what it is in actual practice. The idea that socialism is
a share-the-wealth program is strictly a confidence game to get the
people to surrender their freedom to an all-powerful collectivist
government. While the Insiders tell us we are building a paradise on
earth, we are actually constructing a jail for ourselves.” – Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy
The Deep State
thrives on chaos, confusion, and complexity. Our financial system,
healthcare system, entitlement systems, military, and government
agencies are too big and complex to fix. Those pulling the strings don’t
want the public to understand how anything operates. Supposed “experts”
are put forth on the corporate propaganda networks to further confuse
the masses. The purpose of government run public education is to
matriculate non-thinking socially engineered consumers into the world.The vast majority of iGadget distracted, math challenged, functionally illiterate morons will believe anything the propaganda media peddles because they are incapable of critical thinking. They have an infinite capacity for rationalizing how spending money they don’t have on things they don’t need is actually making their lives better. This same mindset keeps them from questioning how their government can run up a $20 trillion national debt (with $15 trillion added since 2000), with no adverse consequences. These debts are the ultimate threat to our survival as a nation.
Based on everything that has happened in the last twelve months, to believe this is part of some well-planned conspiracy is a reach of epic proportions. The Deep State/status quo were sure their hand-picked candidate Hillary Clinton was a shoe in. Since November the country has been roiled in election result challenges, chaotic antifa violence, fake news stories, silent coups, thousands of tweets, congressional investigations, assassination attempts on congressmen, special prosecutors, increasing odds of civil and foreign wars, and deteriorating economic conditions for the majority. Just when you thought the chaos couldn’t get more pronounced, we experienced a week of sheer turmoil and tumult. Even the stock market stopped rising for a day or two.
I’ve been observing the goings on this week with a jaundiced eye. As the rhetoric between President Cheeto and Kim Jung Nutjob has ramped up to nuclear proportions I’ve been reminded of the rhetoric and fake news leading up to the invasion of Iraq. Suddenly, confidential reports are released saying the midget dictator has miniaturized a nuclear warhead to go on top of his ICBMs that now supposedly can kill everyone in the U.S. The exaggeration of this country’s nuclear capabilities is on par with Hussein’s WMD and killing of babies in Kuwaiti hospitals.
The neo-cons smell blood and more money for their beloved arms peddlers. The propagandists have two thirds of Americans fearful of this rotund midget with an IQ of 85. Trump then set in motion his backup plan – attack Venezuela, which poses absolutely zero risk to America or our interests. But it does have the largest oil reserves on earth.
Now this weekend’s escapades in Charlottesville have worked the propaganda media into a tizzy. It’s these types of stories that reveal all the corporate media to be peddling the same narrative. Fox News was peddling the same white hate narrative as CNN and MSNBC. Because protestors with proper permits included some white supremacists, nazi sympathizers, and KKK members, all participants were branded as racists. Their right to protest regarding the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue was guaranteed by the First Amendment.
It was the violent Soros funded antifa SJWs who were bussed in to create a violent confrontation, while government officials told police to stand down and let the clashes happen. The Deep State is desirous of a race war and their media mouthpieces are busy spreading misinformation and falsehoods to further rile up the masses. Their job is to portray all flyover country whites who elected Trump as rednecks, racists and white supremacists. And at least half the country believes this fake news.
“The militia experts accuse
anti-government agitants of paranoia, yet they spin around and claim
that militias speak in coded phrases, have underground bunkers, and are
secretly conspiring to take over the world and enslave minorities. They
say it`s lunacy that men at the pentagon can conspire, yet they`re
certain that farmers out on the plain are plotting as we speak. They
depict the United Nations as weak and ineffectual, yet they portray
raggedy-ass backwoodsmen as the world`s biggest organized military
threat.” – Jim Goad, The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America’s Scapegoats
I don’t believe what is happening in this country and around the world is some vast conspiracy. But I do believe the Deep State thrives on chaos and fear. They used 9/11 to pass the Patriot Act, creating an Orwellian
surveillance state. They used the Wall Street created 2008 global
financial implosion to rig the financial systems in their favor, while
issuing mind boggling levels of government debt and artificially
suppressing interest rates to create the largest financial bubble in
world history.I do believe we are in the midst of a Fourth Turning where the mood of the masses has turned unequivocally dark. As we approach the ninth year of this Crisis period, the intensification and potential for enormous levels of domestic and foreign bloodshed ramps up by the day. With a decade or so remaining in this period of turmoil, chaos and war, the existing social order will be swept away and replaced by something new. But not necessarily better.
Whatever Deep State conspiracies are being plotted by various gangs seeking power during this Fourth Turning, they will all rot from within. Human nature never changes. Hubris and greed will lead to miscalculations and missteps which will result in another financial crash, civil chaos, and world war. Blood will be spilled in vast quantities if the wrong people make the wrong decisions. Chaos will rein for the next decade and the outcome is very much in doubt. Get prepared mentally and physically for the trials ahead.
“The risk of catastrophe will be very
high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack
up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war,
it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a
total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the
technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
big crash,
financial panic,
Friday, 11 August 2017
And the winner is....... none of us.
The US has 800 military bases in 63 countries worldwide, and military personnel presently active in 156 countries.
The US has been at war or in a military conflict for 224 of its 241 years in existence.
The US defense budget is over $610 billion yearly, which is higher than the defense budgets of the next 8 countries combined: China (215), Russia (69), Saudi Arabia (63), UK (48), France (55), India (55), Japan (46), and Germany (41).
The US is the only country that has ever dropped a nuclear bomb on a population, killing about 200,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A December 2013 WIN/Gallup poll asked 67,806 respondents from 65 countries, "Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?" 24% of respondents said the US. The next highest perceived threat was Pakistan at 8%. 5% believed North Korea was the greatest threat.
The US has 6,800 nuclear armaments.
North Korea has less than 10.
The US has overthrown or attempted to overthrow 57 foreign governments since WW2.
North Korea has overthrown or attempted to overthrow 0 foreign governments since 1953.
About sums up the "conflict."
The US has been at war or in a military conflict for 224 of its 241 years in existence.
The US defense budget is over $610 billion yearly, which is higher than the defense budgets of the next 8 countries combined: China (215), Russia (69), Saudi Arabia (63), UK (48), France (55), India (55), Japan (46), and Germany (41).
The US is the only country that has ever dropped a nuclear bomb on a population, killing about 200,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A December 2013 WIN/Gallup poll asked 67,806 respondents from 65 countries, "Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?" 24% of respondents said the US. The next highest perceived threat was Pakistan at 8%. 5% believed North Korea was the greatest threat.
The US has 6,800 nuclear armaments.
North Korea has less than 10.
The US has overthrown or attempted to overthrow 57 foreign governments since WW2.
North Korea has overthrown or attempted to overthrow 0 foreign governments since 1953.
About sums up the "conflict."
Thursday, 10 August 2017
So sad that most Americans are not awake.......
It’s Time To Support Your President, America
August 9, 2017
Posted by Raúl Ilargi Meijer at 5:20 pm Finance Tagged with: Capitol Hill, Kim, Korea, McCain, nuclear, Putin, Trump, war
Jean-Michel Basquiat Self Portrait 1982
A Guardian headline today shouts: “Trump Has Taken Us To The Brink Of Nuclear War. Can He Be Stopped?”.
And I’m thinking that is such obvious nonsense, how dare you print it?
The North Korea nuke build up has been going on for decades, and neither Bill Clinton nor George W. Bush nor Obama ever took any decisive actions against it. And now it all falls into Trump’s lap. But that doesn’t mean he’s ‘taken us’ anywhere at all. The last thing Trump wants is this.
It’s not the last thing people like John McCain want, however. Who said about Trump’s “fire and fury” threat to Kim Jong-un that you shouldn’t make that threat unless you’re willing to execute it. Yeah, that’s exactly what McCain and Lindsey Graham and their entire entourage of friends and servants on Capitol Hill have been looking for for ages: war. And they see this in the same way that their peers saw Grenada in the Reagan era.
Small country, no challenge, good publicity. But Kim, crazy as he may or may not be, has learned a few lessons on the way. Cheney, W. and Rumsfeld ‘regime-changed’ Saddam Hussein, and Obama/Hillary ‘came saw and he died’ Gaddafi. They got offed before they could develop nukes. Kim knows that’s the dividing line. Sure, as I said, he may be crazy, but then everybody in this movie is.
That “Trump Has Taken Us To The Brink Of Nuclear War” line is based on da Donald’s “fire and fury” comment. But that is just him trying to talk to Kim in his own language. It was my first thought as soon as I heard it. Every other approach has failed, try this. My second thought was it was directed as much against Beijing as it was against Kim: Xi Jinping, once again, you have to stop this.
Xi has taken notice. He has a crucial Communist Party convention looming this fall, and he can’t afford to have a war in his backyard. He just didn’t have a reason to prevent it before. A few hours after Trump’s “fire and fury”, North Korea released a Canadian prisoner sentenced to hard labor for life. Coincidence? That’s not likely.
What Trump, what America, would need right now is open conversation with Putin, who can make or break things in the area. But given the recent sanctions etc., he doesn’t have much incentive. And the White House has few channels left to communicate with the Kremlin, because every single phone line is under investigation from one grand jury or another, and no line can be trusted to be secret anymore.
That hampers Trump and his people, but it even more hampers Putin in expressing his opinions. At the very moment, when there are nuclear threats being openly, publicly, bandied around, and the US Congress has tied its president’s hands in a very questionable fashion, which makes it impossible for him to talk to the one nuclear power in the world that matters.
The strange, and worrisome, thing about the ‘Orwellian’ 99% vote to take Trump’s powers away from him when it comes to communicating with Putin is that Capitol Hill decided to take it away, only to endorse itself with it. While you can discuss into the wee hours and then some what a US president’s powers should be, and what not, for any political ‘entity’ to vote another’s entity only to have it fall upon itself is legally dangerous.
And that’s not just because John McCain has seemed hellbent on ending his life with a big bang, forever. It’s even more because Capitol Hill has proven that it can effectively strangulate any president it doesn’t like, even if the American people have voted him/her in.
The very ironic consequence, at some point we wish will never come, would be that if Da Donald wants to strike Kim with anything at all, he’ll have to ask McCain and Graham for permission. And they will say: of course: when can we do it, can we do a little bit more just to be sure?
But if Trump wants to prevent that war, be it conventional or nuclear, who does he have to turn to? Not McCain and Graham, McDonnell, that set. They’re lost in the pockets of the military-industrial complex. As are Hillary and Obama and whatever is left after the Democrats go through a court-induced DNC fall-cleaning. They are paid by the exact same sources.
So who? The generals he’s surrounded himself with in the West Wing? Come to think of it, they may be the only sane voices left in Washington. But at the same time, does that feel like a real confidence booster?
Look, America, there are a 100,000 things wrong with Trump. But he is your president. And even if the whole Robert Mueller dig ever gets anywhere, it may first of all be too late, second of all lead to absolute mayhem if any impeachment process gets anywhere, and third of all have you end up with something far worse, president Pence, president Hillary, whatever.
What little-big-boy Kim should be telling you is that it’s time to support your president, no matter how flawed and despicable you think he may be. Because, and this is not the first time I’ve said this, he may well be the only thing standing between you and war. And don’t listen to the voices who claim he’s eager to start it. Or at least don’t listen only to them.
There’s a real chance that Trump will start a war somewhere, but it won’t be because he wants one. Other people in Washington do though. Just about all of them, given that 99% vote on Russia sanctions.
It is time to support your president, America.
Not because you like him, or because you agree with him. But because your country elected him and because if you don’t, god help you.
Monday, 7 August 2017
Friday, 4 August 2017
Wonderful insightful article.....
This cuts right to the heart of the matter..... been saying for the longest time that we need to get back to a local level.....
basic income,
big crash,
financial panic,
Local Energy Trading System
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
How worried should we be, when even the Puppet Masters are in fear of their creation??
It reminds me of a 1970 movie called the Forbin Project, where two computers decide that their' respective human populations are a threat to ......
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