Friday, 31 March 2017

Wonderful to see corruption being rooted out.....

Thursday, 2 March 2017

A simple initiative we can all do.....

I am going to float an idea that has been rattling around on my "laundry list" of things to do.... in the hope that one or more of you will run with it.
With what is going on "out there", it is obvious that we need to slow our frantic lifestyles and get back to a more local level.
Initially getting itself established by doing fun things (eg street parties, combined garage sales, drumming groups etc) and then evolving into more serious stuff like bartering, looking out for each other, working bees, community security, food etc etc.
Before you know it, one street becomes another street - and then another..... and pretty soon voila!! A caring, sharing community. 
And all it takes is for us to really get to know our neighbours. :)))
Easy to make a start............. will you??? 
