Wednesday, 9 November 2016


So why have I not been active in this blog since last July?

Simple - what has there been to say?? Only more of the same old, more fingers found to shove into the crumbling dykes - and if there were a fiddle anywhere handy - someone would be playing it while all around falls to dust.
Until today, that is.

I am no fan of Trump, but what he DOES represent is that he gave a voice to the 99% who have been unheard and ignored for so long. What do the Elites (the less than 1%) fear most??

US !!! Our vast numbers.

But we have been fragmented by living in our fantasies, our delusions and yes - in our hopes and dreams.

Today is a pivotal day where the 99% have said ENOUGH !!!!!

So well done Trump. I have to give the man credit. Especially when running against an entrenched machine, a biased media, a corrupt and entrenched  bureaucracy, a massive corporatocracy & military/industrial complex...... and opponents who really didn't play very nicely with the other children. Not to mention $1 BILLION in campaign funds. Talk about buying a Presidency!!!!!

The next real test will be whether Trump can deal effectively with that entrenched and 'entitled' bureaucracy - I wish him all the best and Godspeed. Especially in scaling-back the Neocon objective of projecting American power over the rest of the world.

But ultimately, nothing can detract from the slap-in-the-face to the Elites that today brought.

It will be interesting to watch what happens from here..... as for me, I have for some time been looking forward to the world beyond all this nonsense, the world we always wanted to be in, the world that we deserved.

May we see it soon. ♥